Addendum to the History of the Salem Cemetery
October 2013
Sandy Brestel provided a pile of papers entitled “A Brief History and Report of Salem German Presbyterian Church and Cemetery”. I’m not sure of the date the report was compiled…however I’m sure, given the hand corrected errors, it was prior to computers and printers, and possibly even white-out.
The pile, 11 pages in all, gives a very similar history of the Cemetery to what was provided in the History of Gothenburg from which the information above came from. Within the papers is the report from 1976 – or – 1977 concerning the renovation of the fence surrounding the Cemetery, a list of those buried, a map showing the original family plots (of which, according to the map, there were only 17) as well as a list of 46 individuals or couples who donated a total of $1,815 to the construction of the new fence. Of the moneys donated $1,333.58 was used for the fence, $146 was used to remove some trees (I assume the tree in the north-west corner as there are trees in each of the other three corners), and $335.42 to be placed in a Cemetery Fund to pay for future maintenance. In addition, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Campbell donated additional money (though it did not indicate how much) to be placed in the maintenance fund.
The list of those buried numbers 31, thus missing five, now six, that are known to be buried there. It is stated that lots (not plots….there were 17 lots…multiple plots per lot) were sold for $5/ each, a ½ lot was $3, and a single grave was $1. The payment was to be in cash prior to the funeral service.